Dr Anisur Rahman
Male practitioner
Dr Anisur Rahman is a Bangladeshi Doctor/Medical Practitioner in Cannington, Perth, specialising in Chronic Disease Management and Minor Surgical Procedures.
Dr Anisur Rahman completed his MBBS from Bangladesh in 1983. He worked in Iran and Brunei. He has been working as a GP in Australia since 2008. He can speak English, Bangla, Urdu/Hindi, Persian/Dari and Bahasa.
Contact us now to make an appointment with our helpful staff.
Dr Sathyan Gunaseelan
Male practitioner
Dr Sathyan Gunaseelan (Sash) completed his medical training in India and moved to UK for Specialist training. After a few years of hospital training, he completed his general practice training, and received the Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners in United Kingdom.
He has been working as a general practitioner since 2008. He also obtained his Fellowship at the Royal College of General Practitioners in Australia in 2013 and moved to Perth in early 2014 and has been working in the locality since, as a Generalist with special interest in Skin Cancer including Skin checks and skin cancer excisions.
He enjoys teaching and has supervised medical students and is also a GP Trainer for WAGPET (GP registrar training body).

Dr Sepideh Jahangiri
Dr Ranika Muhandiram Arachchige
Graduated from Sri Lanka and has worked as a GP for 23 years. Dr Ranika is
a fellow member of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
and has a diploma in women’s health from King Edwards Hospital. Dr Ranika
is a holistic GP interested in all aspects of family medicine including
paediatrics, chronic disease, minor procedures and women’s health.
Special Interests:
– Women’s Health
– Chronic Disease
– Paediatrics
– IUD insertion + removed
– Implanon insertion + removal
Languages Spoken:
– English
– Sinhalese
Dr. Arul is a dedicated general practitioner with a wealth of experience and a compassionate approach to patient care. She has special interests in managing chronic health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid disorders.
Her special interests include:
- Chronic Disease Management
- Women’s Health
- Iron Infusion Therapy
- Minor Surgery and Skin Checks
Dr. Arul is fluent in English, Tamil, and Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia.